Natalie Marie Fowler
Grand Worthy Advisor
Session: "A Gem Within"
Motto: "Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him." ~ Paulo Coelho
Emblem: Treasure Chest
Symbols: Gems & Jewels, Maps, Gold Coins, Ancient Artifacts, Compasses, Books
Scripture: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." ~ Matthew 6:21

Colors: Gold, Silver, Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue, & Emerald Green
Flowers: Peonies, Daisies & Baby's Breath
Honor Station: Hope
Movies: The Goonies, Indiana Jones, National Treasure
Special Project: Collection of books for literacy programs
Mascot: Black Panther

2023 - 2024 Grand Officers
Name | Title | Assembly |
Natalie Fowler | Grand Worthy Advisor | Jonesboro #77 |
Victoria Hyder | Grand Worthy Assoc Advisor | Columbus #15 |
Kayla Pyrtle | Grand Charity | Jonesboro #77 |
Sadie Faucett | Grand Hope | Cherokee #80 |
Juliaunah Oseguera | Grand Faith | Columbus #15 |
Angela Characky | Grand Recorder | Cherokee #80 |
Laci Massey | Grand Treasurer | Rose #84 |
Dawn Torrow | Grand Chaplain | Charity #37 |
Gracie Fowler | Grand Drill Leader | Jonesboro #77 |
Kristen Miller | Grand Love | Hope #4 |
Nora Wing | Grand Religion | Columbus #15 |
Lexi Tadaro | Grand Nature | Savannah #1 |
Madelin Clark | Grand Immortality | Battle Hill #57 |
Katherine Jones | Grand Fidelity | Faith #12 |
Bailey Wiggins | Grand Patriotism | Friendship #16 |
Avery Fischer | Grand Service, Grand Assembly Big Sister, Grand Historian | Savannah #1 |
Jadyn Torow | Grand Confidential Observer | Charity #37 |
Carly Archer | Grand Outer Observer | Friendship #16 |
Madison Pyrtle | Grand Musician | Jonesboro #77 |
Erin Dillashaw | Grand Choir Director | Battle Hill #57 |
Sydnie Williams | Grand Correspondent/Protem | Friendship #16 |
Zoe Archer | Grand Protem | Friendship #16 |
Amberleigh Brooks | Grand Protem | Charity #37 |
Christina Perez | State Mother Advisor | Columbus #15 |
2023 – 2024 Junior State Executive Committee
Name | Title | Assembly | Assisting |
Victoria Hyder | Jr State Executive Committee | Columbus #15 | Hospitality |
Kayla Pyrtle | Jr State Executive Committee | Jonesboro #77 | Ritualistic |
Sadie Faucett | Jr State Executive Committee | Cherokee #80 | Grand Cross |
Juliaunah Oseguera | Jr State Executive Committee | Columbus #15 | Grand Representatives |
Angela Characky | Jr State Executive Committee | Cherokee #80 | Grand Choir |
Laci Massey | Jr State Executive Committee | Rose #84 | Southern Belle |
Sydnie Williams | Jr State Executive Committee | Friendship #16 | Competitions |
Leslie Ricketts, PGWA | Jr State Executive Committee | Hope #4 | Registration |
2023-2024 Grand-Representatives
State | Name | Assembly |
AL & MS | Madeleine Flynn | Freedom #38 |
AK & Canada | ||
AR & LA | Paige Judd | Friendship #16 |
AZ & CA | Rylee Chafin | Charity #37 |
CO & MI | Hannah Abney | Freedom #38 |
CT & West Brazil | Jordan Paschal | Cherokee #80 |
FL & Central Brazil | Abigail Owens | Battle Hill #57 |
HI & Philippines | ||
IL & IN | Isabelle Hall | Friendship #16 |
IA & OR | Josie Wells | Columbus #15 |
KS & NE | Gabrielle Mullin | Cherokee #80 |
KY & OH | Katherine Smith | Jonesboro #77 |
MA & RI | Sydney Jablonsky | |
ME & VT | Eden Newman | Savannah #1 |
MD & Romania | René Miller | Savannah #1 |
MO & OK | ||
MT & Bolivia | Columbus #15 | |
NV & Aruba | Angel Clark | Battle Hill #57 |
NH & NJ | Friendship #16 | |
NM & TX | Angelo Frost | Charity #37 |
NY & WV | Journie Motes | Charity #37 |
NC & East Brazil | Aleea Self | Cherokee #80 |
ND & Italy | Cherokee #80 | |
PA & VA | Shelby Underwood | Savannah #1 |
SC, NS Wales & S. Australia | Hailey Epperly | Charity #37 |
TN & Puerto Rico | Jamie Newman | Savannah #1 |
WA/ID & Queensland | Alexandria Shofman | Jonesboro #77 |